Crossbows come and go, and serious archers know that it isn’t exactly easy to find a crossbow that is accurate, durable, fully-equipped, and affordable.
In this article we’ll review a few of the crossbows that are considered to be the best available on the market right now. First, though, we’ll give inexperienced and beginning archers a little background on exactly what a crossbow is and how it works.
We’ll also break down each consideration that you should have in mind when choosing the best crossbow.
Table of Content
Top 4 Best Crossbows (Summary)
Image | Product | Details | |
Fastest ShootingRavin R29X Predator |
Most DurableExcalibur Matrix G340 |
Bear Archery Fisix FFL |
SA Sports Empire Beowulf |
For more detailed and complete product reviews on benefits and features, keep reading.
6 Best Crossbow Reviews
1. Ravin Crossbows R29X Predator – Best Overall
In a market as large and diverse as Crossbows, being the best of anything is a daunting task. It’s also short-lived as companies make new and innovative products weekly. Ravin has been producing this particular bow for over a year and it still holds up as one of the best, if not the best on the market.
Ravin’s Predator crossbow is a near laser accurate, fast shooting, hard hitting weapon that can nail a deer through the thickest brush and out to ranges that are almost hard to believe. With its included 100 yard illuminated scope, you can be out and hunting the same day.
This is a feature-packed bow, and it takes that to be the best in today’s market. In addition to the scope, the Ravin also comes with a detachable cocking mechanism, sling and quiver mounting system, six arrows with field points, auto safety, and an incredibly useful anti-dry fire mechanism. But by far the best thing about this bow is the insanely low 12 lb draw that still releases an arrow better than 400 fps.
Check Price and Rating on Amazon.com
- Super-fast arrow speed
- Not too heavy
- Crazy low draw weight
- Very expensive
2. Excalibur Matrix G340
In a world of high-dollar, high-performance bows it’s easy to get lost in the land of price tags and technical jargon when all you really need is a device to send an arrow down range into an unsuspecting deer. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune and be backed by technologies more suited to space travel to do the job. That is where the Excalibur Matrix shines!
You won’t find pulleys or fancy mechanics on the Grizzly but you will find a plain and simple bow that just works and for a price that won’t break the bank. It is a stout draw, to be frank, but still lets off at a respectable 300 fps. It also has one of the best triggers on the market, especially in the price range of under 600 bucks.
If you are new to Crossbow hunting you could do a lot worse than an Excalibur bow. They have pretty much perfected the recurve crossbow and have made pretty much the best in that product category for years. One thing is sure, this bow will last forever and is almost impossible to break. You can also take a pop bottle top off at 50 feet with little effort. How can you beat that?
Check Price and Rating on Amazon.com
- Durable and rugged yet lightweight
- Great price point
- Incredibly accurate
- Not as powerful as higher end bows
- Harder to draw than other options
3. TenPoint NitroX – Best for Speed
With modern day crossbows, speed is almost a moot point. When you regularly push 350 fps or better, most people stop counting. But if you are here for pure speed, the NitroX is basically the supercar of crossbows. If the goal is to hit a deer so fast that the arrow does its job before the deer has a chance to spook, you can do that with reported speeds up to 440 feet a second.
Like all TenPoint bows, you are going to get a load of features and an all-around great bow. You know the bow will be tough, rugged, and dependable. But with this bow, you will also get blinding speed without the cost of accuracy usually seen in super-fast bows.
Unlike a lot of TenPoint bows, this is a reverse draw bow with some pretty spacious cams which work to generate all that speed. This is the kind of bow that can leave a deer dead on its feet. If you aren’t fond of tracking, this may very well be the best bow for you, though it is pretty pricey.
Check Price and Rating on Amazon.com
- Incredible arrow speed
- Great power to draw weight
- Very well balanced
- Bow is accurate despite speed
- Quite expensive
- Shooting is not as intuitive
4. Bear Archery Fisix FFL
Who hasn’t heard of the legendary Bear Archery and their equally legendary accuracy? Most people think of Bear in reference to traditional bows but their offerings in compound and crossbows are equally deserving of high praise! If you want a shot after shot accurate crossbow, look no further. And with a little shopping around you can get one for under a grand!
If you want accuracy, what you need is consistency. That requires a rock solid, stable platform. In truth that is what the Fisix is, just pure stability. The price of that stability is weight, this is easily the heaviest bow on this list at a whopping 9.9 lbs. This isn’t a bow to drag through the woods on a long trek but it’s great for setting in a blind and nailing anything that happens by.
Just because its heavy doesn’t mean you sacrifice everywhere else. The bow is plenty fast and very well balanced. You will still feel the weight but it isn’t so cumbersome that you can’t maneuver the bow and line up a great shot. Really, how important would accuracy be if you couldn’t move the bow around?
Check Price and Rating on Amazon.com
- Dead on accurate
- Great bow for the money
- Rugged and tough design
- Very heavy
- Even with a balanced design, feel cumbersome
5. Southern Crossbow Risen XT 350 – Best for Beginners
Much like compound and traditional bows, Crossbows have a range following and what you need on the range differs greatly from what you need in the woods. A range bow can be a little louder and a little less refined than those in the woods. In the woods you usually take a single shot, on the range you can shoot dozens of times in a day so comfort is king! Hunting is a profit/loss endeavor if you are after the meat but shooting on the range is just for fun so a little cost savings is also in order.
Most people have probably never heard of Southern Crossbow which isn’t surprising considering they are quite a new company with just a couple of offerings. But the offerings they do have seem to be high quality and offer some unique innovations that make them a sure starting place for the budget conscious beginner.
The Risen line of bows use a standard AR-15 style stock which is ideal for beginners and those not too serious about getting into the Crossbow sport. With plenty of speed and just enough power, there are great for some target practice on the range but wouldn’t fair badly in the woods. This bow could be a great transition for those looking to start hunting or just need a bow a little less costly.
Check Price and Rating on Amazon.com
- Surprising draw to power ratio
- Quite affordable
- Fairly unrefined with a cheaper feel
- Draw is stiff with no mechanical assist available
6. SA Sports Empire Beowulf – Best Cheap Crossbow
Sometimes cost is king but not at the cost of performance. Sure, if you spend big money you can get the best but that doesn’t mean you can spend less and get something just good enough to do the job! There are a ton of budget bows out there and most are not worth what you spend on them. But SA Sports has done a pretty good job at a balance of price and quality.
There are bows on this list that are lighter, have more power, and are more accurate, but really there are none that dollar for dollar will perform better than the Beowulf and that is pretty surprising. This bow is lighter than a lot of the high dollar bows but still shoots about as hard. Accuracy isn’t as pinpoint as the big dogs but 10 arrows in a pie pan at 50 feet should be plenty good enough!
If your goal this hunting season is to bring home the meat without breaking the bank, the Beowulf is a really solid choice. It wouldn’t be my first pick but I wouldn’t hesitate to take one out with the confidence that it would do what I needed it to do.
Check Price and Rating on Amazon.com
- Shockingly good bow for that price
- Better weight than most high dollar bows
- A little rough around the edges
- Scope is cheap and chintzy
- Could have better power to draw ratio
What is a Crossbow
A crossbow is a type of bow that utilizes a horizontal bow mounted onto a gun-like stock. Although it might seem as though someone decided to combine a bow with a gun to create the crossbow, the fact is that crossbows were around far before guns were even invented. Arrows shot by a crossbow are also known as bolts or quarrels. Crossbows were invented in ancient China as military weapons, and the innovation of these devices was a game-changer in the field of projectile weaponry. Today, crossbows are mainly used in shooting sports and hunting, especially when silence is of the utmost importance. Knowing how to properly draw a crossbow and efficiently hit a target with a crossbow are considered skills that can take a lot of time to master.
Types of Crossbows
There are two basic crossbow types: the recurve crossbow and the compound crossbow. Both types of crossbows are derived from types of traditional bows. We will discuss each type of crossbow so you can have a better understanding of what you’re dealing with in each situation.

- Recurve Crossbow: – The tips of a recurve crossbow flex away from the shooter. It uses one string that is attached to pulleys, each of which has cables that are attached to the opposite limb. This allows the bow’s limbs to have a longer draw length, and this translates into more acceleration and a lower “hand shock” for the archer. Recurved crossbows have a higher chance of making noise with each shot, and the formation of the bow puts more strain on the bow’s materials.
- Compound Crossbow – The compound crossbow does not turn away from the archer at any point. It has a lower draw weight than the recurve crossbow because it only has one string and there is no cable or pulley system involved. Compound crossbows are known for being easy to cock and they require less strain on behalf of the archer.
The compound crossbow does not turn away from the archer at any point. It has a lower draw weight than the recurve crossbow because it only has one string and there is no cable or pulley system involved. Compound crossbows are known for being easy to cock and they require less strain on behalf of the archer.
Crossbow Parts
A standard crossbow consists of the following parts, although some parts may be specific to either a compound crossbow or a recurve crossbow:

- Stock – The stock is the part of the crossbow that you put against your shoulder. It is also known as a tiller.
- Bridge – The bridge runs underneath the site along the middle of the crossbow.
- Latch – The crossbow latch holds the string in place until the archer pulls the trigger to release the arrow.
- Sight – The style of a sight varies, and some crossbows only have a small indicator instead of a sight. Most crossbows, however, have a scope-style sight that the archer uses to achieve a better aim.
- Serving – The serving is the point of the bow string at which the arrow’s tail connects.
- Retention Spring – The retention spring is stretched with cocking and snaps back into position when the trigger is pulled.
- Trigger – The trigger unhinges the latch and allows the string to propel the bolt toward the target.
- Foregrip – The foregrip is where you place the hand that is not being used to control the trigger.
- Flight Groove – The flight groove holds the bolt in place and ensures that the arrow proceeds immediately and directly forward when the trigger is pulled.
- String – The string is used to add tension to the bow, and it also makes contact with the rear of the bolt.
- Riser – The riser is found at the forward portion of the flight groove and holds the head of the bolt in place until the trigger is pulled.
- Barrel – The barrel is the lower part of the flight groove and this word can be interpreted as being composed of the foregrip, flight groove, and riser.
- Limb – Each bow has two limbs, or sides of the bow that go in either direction away from the center of the bow.
- Stirrup – The stirrup is used to cock the crossbow. You place your foot through the stirrup and cock the bow while the stirrup is firmly on the ground.
- Quiver – The quiver holds extra bolts and is often located on the underside of the bow toward the front end.
How to Choose the Best Crossbow – Buying Guide
If you’re looking to buy a crossbow then you’ll want to take certain things into consideration when making your selection. You should closely evaluate each of the following points when comparing crossbows to buy:
- Compound Bow Type – Each type of bow is useful for something specific. Buy the best type of bow for your game or sport, and buy a bow that matches your experience level.
- Main Use – Is the bow going to be used for archery sports or for hunting? If the bow is to be used in hunting then you’ll want to buy the appropriate bow for the game you plan to hunt.
- Sound – How audible is the crossbow when it fires? Is the cocking noise extreme loud or potentially unnerving to game in the area?
- Bow Weight – How heavy is the bow? Some hunters may not be able (or willing) to lug around a heavy bow even though it could mean a better shot.
- Draw Weight – What is the draw weight of the bow? It’s important to take this into consideration because the bow’s draw weight will have implications for how easy it is to use, as well as what types of game it can bring down.
- Speed – What is the average velocity of arrows released from this bow? Most bows have a “feet per second” rating that you can look to for comparison shopping.
- Manufacturer Guarantees & Warranties – Does the manufacturer of the bow (and arrows) offer any sort of warranty period? How are warranty claims processed? What happens if something is defective or breaks? Is there a reduced cost or free replacement program in effect for the bow (or the arrows)?
- Scope – Does the bow include a scope? If so, what are the scope’s capabilities? If no scope is included then what kinds of scopes could be added onto the bow?
- Customization – One of the great things about crossbows is that they can be extremely customizable. If you’re the type of archer who wants to add and take away parts to turn your “off the shelf” bow into a fully customized weapon then does the bow you’re considering allow you to do so?
- Arrow Size – Know how long the arrow is, and know how large of an arrowhead your bow can handle. The arrows of a crossbow are very specific to the crossbow being used.
- Extra Parts – Does the bow come with any spare parts, such as strings, cables, or pulleys? How hard (and expensive) is it to get your hands on high-quality replacement parts? You never want to go short on quality when it comes to replacement crossbow parts.
- Cocking Aids – Does the bow in question have a built-in cocking aid to make drawing the string easier? If not, then can one be added on with relative ease?
- Design – Is the crossbow outfitted with a camouflage color scheme that will confuse potential game targets, if applicable?
- Price – Price should never be your main or only consideration, but when comparing similar crossbows you should definitely let price be part of the equation.
How to Use a Crossbow Effectively

The famed artist Leonardo DaVinci drew what is now a famous sketch of a crossbow, and we aren’t here to try to “one up” the master. The mechanics of a crossbow are actually quite simple, but it takes time, patience and training to learn how to effectively use a crossbow.
There are a few different types of crossbows (see above section) but they all work in the same general fashion. You have to consider the size and shape of the bow, the size of the arrow, the draw weight, the draw length, and other factors that also apply to “regular” bows. To use a crossbow you usually need to follow these steps:
- Place the crossbow’s stirrup on the ground and place your foot through it.
- Hold your foot firmly in place once your foot is all the way through the stirrup.
- Pull the string with both hands and with the same amount of force. You might want to use an automatic cocker to help you pull the string back to the appropriate degree on both sides. When the bow is fully cocked you should hear a loud “click.”
- Place an arrow into the crossbow’s groove and make sure that the end of the arrow is touching the string. One of the arrow’s feathers (also known as fletchings) should be in the crossbow’s groove.
- Your crossbow might have an automatic safety feature, or it might have a manual safety option. Make sure the safety is engaged until you are fully prepared to fire the weapon. To fire your crossbow simply aim and pull the trigger.
It’s vital to note in this section of the article that a crossbow is not a toy and that you should only use your crossbow under the direct supervision of someone who is qualified to use such a device (if you are not such a person yourself). You should only use bolts (arrows) that are designed to be used with the specific crossbow that’s in your hands. Crossbow legality differs from state to state and within specific municipalities so be sure to check the crossbow laws in your area before you do anything else.
Crossbow Use, Care & Maintenance Tips
The following pointers will help you keep your crossbow and bolts in pristine condition, thus allowing you to get the maximum amount of life out of your investments.
- Check for worn, missing, damaged or loose parts before each crossbow use.
- Replace all frayed or slightly worn strings immediately.
- Keep the barrel and flight groove lubricated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Wax the crossbow string and cables according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Keep the trigger box and exposed mounting bolts lubricated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
- Wiggle the riser and limbs to make sure they do not move independently from the crossbow’s stock.
- If you use a scope, you can clean it occasionally with an alcohol-based wipe.
- Use a can of compressed air to get any particles of direct out of the nooks and crannies of your crossbow.
- Periodically re-tighten all bolts in an even manner and a little bit at a time. You should do this every 50-100 shots.
- Check each arrow before loading into the crossbow. Make sure the arrowhead is firmly in place and that there are no cracks or splinters along the shaft.
- Use a vibration dampening device to reduce noise and vibration.
- Purchase a crossbow case with a hard shell, and keep your crossbow, arrows, wax, oil, etc. in the case.
- Keep the crossbow away from the prying hands and eyes of children at all times.
By now you should have a solid understanding of the various types of crossbows, and you should be familiar with each individual part of a crossbow. You should also be able to take our reviews of the best crossbows and use the information we’ve provided to make a valid selection based on the advice provided in our buying guide. Bookmark this page so when you buy your new crossbow you can use the crossbow care and maintenance tips provided above to keep your crossbow in working order for the longest period of time possible. If you have anything you’d like to see added to this article, or if you would like to let us know what your choice for the best crossbow would be, feel free to leave us a message in the Comments section below.
Now that anyone can hunt with a crossbow, the companies are running around jockeying for the consumers money. These are all great options and I thank you for sharing them.
I was going to mention safety and maintenance of these crossbows. One of the most important things besides not aiming it at anyone, I am happy to see that you included that information.
With me being a lady, it was not easy for me to shot a compound bow. Being able to shoot a compound crossbow for the first I could not believe how much easier that was for me. What a great option!
Thanks for the article, i am new to crossbow hunting and i am kind of stuck as should i buy a compound crossbow or should i buy recurve crossbow. some people are saying, go for compound: “https://sites.google.com/view/crossbow-hunting while other are saying to go for re curve. I am new to this, sorry.
This is a good source of info in determining if a crossbow is good for you. One commentary I have concerns the Horton line of crossbows. I purchased a Horton TNT-UL 175# ultralite crossbow a few years ago. Within a month, I had to send it back to replace the stock(broke in 2), and replace a defective anti-dry fire mechanism. The stock design had flaws and they knew it. Shortly afterward, Horton went bankrupt and was bought out by Tenpoint. Recently, in a hunting situation, I cocked my crossbow, and had it slung over my shoulder walking to a stand, when it dryfired on my back! Thankfully I was not hurt, but the stock broke….again. Tenpoint made a point of telling me they held no responsibility for any crossbows purchased before they bought out Horton. So much for lifetime warranties! They knew about the problems, as the first thing they did was take this model off the market and redesign it. Now it is being sold as the “Legend” ultralite. I will never, ever buy a Horton, Tenpoint, or Wicked Ridge crossbow based on their attitude toward customers, I don’t care how good the new designs are. They bought the Horton name, and left all the old Horton customers holding the bag.
Pathetic. Great reviews if you’re a millionaire.
But for 75% of us these are all priced way too high.
How about something in the £200 to £400 price range?
I just bought Ek archery’s 175lb Blade + compound for a meagre £188. Comes with a very effective scope and for a further £99 you get the cocking device. At 340fps its no slouch either. In my mind compared to those other expensive (10-15 times as much money!) you would be a total mug not to get this. Save your hard earned cash, unless youre a d*khead millionaire, then who gives a sh*t.
Interesting read, especially the bit where the differences between recurve and compound are explained. It seems as though you have mixed the two types together! Editing needed as this will utterly confuse most novices looking for factual advice.
crossman makes numerous crossbows under $400 under the center point name many models one under $400 had the best accuracy even beating out the Ravin and the top 10Point very fast and very accurate-I am from Minnesota & have bow hunted since I was 18 -turned 78 this fall switched to crossbows due to shoulder surgery around 7 years ago -practice and practice made me decent at even running deer this was the way we hunted back then, deer drives just like rifle hunting no climbers no ground blinds havested 40 plus deer with a $40 second hand Root 60lb recurve at 25 purchased the top of the line Black Widow 65lb draw weight recurve..all instinct shooting practiced almost daily with spotlight on target at night -all you saw was the target the wooden arrow was on the flat rest. at 20 yds all arrows in a pie plate-flu flus were to used on tossed plastic bottles to resemble moving targets-hunted with same 6 for 30+ yrs -all gone now and greatly missed-hunt now with my sons and grandsons mostly in Minnesota & Wisconsin the latter has much better deer management. (65 lb recurve had no let up no sights and you had to be in shape to hold on the deer without your bow and arm moving )harvested over 200+ in those 60yrs with many amazing stories.
These are guide of crossbow for users